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Solnik 6/9-21
On Monday 6 September, Roar went on a trip to Solnik while I stayed in the apartment to wash clothes and read my book. Roar called to be able to tell that three small, almost blind kittens came staggering and meowing out of the bush, clearly seeking contact. They were so small that they should…
Hiking in Golitsa
Today, after breakfast in the apartment, we went to Golitsa to hike in the mountain. This is a 2 hour walk and almost 10 km. Today it was cloudy and not so hot, even though the temperatur shows 34 degrees. Check out the walk on Strava. Soon we are going to Byala, at one…
Trying to find salted stone in Solnik
Today I decided to go to Solnik alone to look for the salty stones Vanja is talking about should be a place starting from the barbecue area. I finally found a path in the forest that looked more like an animal track and ended up on a farm with many goats. So I started Strava…
Afternoon and evening work in Solnik
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Solnik og Byala 15/4-19
Small insects on our way today. The frogs are enjoying themselves in the pool in Byala for the time being, and do not know that they will soon be banished when the pool is to be prepared for the summer, poor thing. I was almost stepping on the little turtle, which was no bigger than…