Driving to Bulgaria July 2023

This time we drove to Bulgaria. Bought a Ford Transit to take some moving goods with us to Svetlina. A full car and a stop at the Tollstation in Svinesund was an unparalleled ordeal. But after a few hours there, we could start our journey to Bulgaria.
The trip went via Gedster/Denmark to Rostock/Germany, further through the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and finally Bulgaria. 3 days with accommodation in the car and a hotel in Hungary and Romania.

It was not possible to find a single hotel on the road through Gemany, no motels or other accommodations along the way. So we just had to try to sleep upright in the car, much to Jorunn’s dismay. The trip went very smoothly, but buying a vignette for road tax was not as easy at the border crossings. Found out that it could be done on the mobile much easier. But it turned out that I had bought the wrong class for the big car both on the way to Bulgaria and back again, as the fines came long after the journey home. Sad, but you just have to pay.
After an overnight stay in the apartment in Byala, we drove for the first time as new owners to our new home in Svetlina. Then it was just time to start unpacking.