Solnik 27/10-21 – Trip to Solnik Waterfall
Today I decided to go to Solnik to find the right path to the waterfall in Solnik. It is the last stretch of road, where you have to walk, which is difficult to find the right path. Google maps only plots a direct line from the road to the site. It is clear that this trail has not been registered in Google map before. I followed this line as best I could and finally arrived. There was not much water to see flowing, so some waterfalls were not much to see off. Anyway, it wasn’t until I saw another trail back again that I discovered the right trail I should have followed to the place. I then came back to a side road of the road I was going from. I marked the correct path in with red.
It was a nice trip anyway.
On the trip I saw a shepherd in the yard looking after his sheep. It is something different than in Norway where the farmers want to kill all wild animals that take the lives of their sheep. Just so that their sheep can walk without human supervision. I also passed an old lady looking after her hens. I pointed to my cell phone and she quickly realized that I wanted to take a picture of them. A better village and farmer experience than this is hard to find today.

Da jeg kom hjem til leiligheten igjen ble det å lage spaghetti bolognese, dog meg pølser i stedet for kjøttdeig.