A welcome gray day

The night was interrupted with a crash. Are the building raging together at the neighbor’s house, where we know are doing some construction work. Roar was out looking and observed a lot of people on the street as well as an ambulance across the park. We fell asleep again, but wondered what had happened. At 09.30, Evgueni arrived with new drawings and the latest changes. A good meeting where we also got discussed through heating, pool etc.
Since the weather was overcast, we jumped into work clothes and drove to Solnik. Got cleared a lot, but realize that we need help to get rid of trees, shrubs, etc. But when we got out on the street we saw what had happened at night. A car had crashed in a tree, torn the lamp post. Really hope it went well with the driver and any passengers. Here has been great speed. Straight and nice stretch. But they drive very fast here.
When we returned back to the apartment complex, the “gardener” was busy cutting dead branches from our garden. Language intricacies are a whimsical thing. But we got explained with body language and the little we can in Bulgarian how we want it. On google translate we found the translation to Bulgarian how to tell him that we went to eat now, but the gardener thought we invited him to dinner and responded with saying ne ne. Fortunately, I must say, we had nothing to offer him other than bringing him with us to the restaurant.