Solnik 9/9-21

Eggs and bacon for brunch, a trip to Solnik to feed the kitten and visit the cemetery to see if we could find the graves of Vanja’s grandparents. We found Ivan’s but not his grandmother. Home to work on the blog.
Eggs and bacon for brunch, a trip to Solnik to feed the kitten and visit the cemetery to see if we could find the graves of Vanja’s grandparents. We found Ivan’s but not his grandmother. Home to work on the blog.
Finally trip to Bulgaria with Elias
Wednesday the first of September was a heavy day you could say. At least for the one of us who drank rakia until 05.00 in the morning. It was a trip to the beach then too, pizza at the restaurant and early evening zzzzzzzz …… …
Roar went early to Solnik to remove more thorns, while I got up later, read in my book, cleared a bit when we were expecting visits by dad, Bjørg, Bente, Sarko and the children Maria and Julian. They came around 13 pm and I joined them in the car to Solnik. After a tour on…
We drive to Primorsko and greet Einar & Ellinor, Roald & Bjørg, who are there with friends. Einar treats you to a delicious lunch. We inherit a hob, a bag with several types of soups, and a saucepan. We can probably use this on the farm eventually.
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