Visit to the farm 12 / 7-18

Today we are excited because we will meet some of the sellers who will show us electricity and water connection to the house, as well as get the keys so we can access the farm for the rest of our stay. We are talking keys from 1958. Not exactly approved by Norwegian insurance companies.

It turns out that they have a surprise for us. They have arranged a barbecue party down by the barbecue area .. We were served the best barbecue chicken ever, as well as sausages, salads, melon, and much more. Everything was self-produced food. Rakia and surmorell liqueur we also got. A very cozy gesture in the afternoon. Luckily Iva speaks English so she translated most of it. It is quite demanding to be an interpreter. Everyone wants to say something and Iva tries as best she can to convey the message. That is impressive. We were also allowed to keep a picture of the ancestors who stood on the farm.

Vanya, who is the granddaughter / great-granddaughter of the family, promises to write a little about the story from the farm that we will get. She’s raised turtles on the farm.
An unforgettable evening with lots of positive energy.