July 16, halfway through the holidays

After a late breakfast we went to Solnik again. Anxious to open up the landscape around the houses. The thorn bushes is a challenge for legs and arms, so I mostly drag the trees that were cut down last autumn out till the truck coming on Sunday can bring them away.
It is not very nice with legs and arms that look completely scratched out when going in dress and shorts.

The weather was perfect to work in, a bit cloudy and not too hot.
There are three horses grazing on the property and they were standing near the houses, but were quick to leave when we arrived. They like to eat apples and pears that fall by the house.
Roar was so happy when he found grape stock among the wilds. He must clear the weed without harming them. Imagine that they are still alive ?
At the restaurant in Byala, which we ate this evening, there was folk music and dancing. It was great to see and hear. Bulgarian at it’s best.