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Byala Barbecue party 18/04-19
Barbecue party in Byala today, with Vanja’s homemade food which is very good. Thank you so much for the food and nice company. The weather was not the best so we grilled outside and ate inside.

Hiking in Golitsa
Today, after breakfast in the apartment, we went to Golitsa to hike in the mountain. This is a 2 hour walk and almost 10 km. Today it was cloudy and not so hot, even though the temperatur shows 34 degrees. Check out the walk on Strava. Soon we are going to Byala, at one…

Hiking in the Mountain ridge of Galitsa
Today we woke up to another sunny day, so we quick decided to take the trip to Galitsa, to walk up to the Mountain ridge. We parked just on the outskirts of Galitsa by a large and long agriculture shelter. We did not go far before we were greeted by 3 shepherd dogs who did…

Solnik 17/4-19
Tried to make a Panorama picture by standing in one place, but then it turned out like this picture on the left. Then I took 3 pictures in each place while moving sideways. Then I used a program on the PC that automatically assembles the images. With a little photo editing, it got a lot…

Solnik 6/9-21
On Monday 6 September, Roar went on a trip to Solnik while I stayed in the apartment to wash clothes and read my book. Roar called to be able to tell that three small, almost blind kittens came staggering and meowing out of the bush, clearly seeking contact. They were so small that they should…