Solnik, Varna and Byala on Thursday 4/10-18
Evgueny meets me at 9:00 in the morning. Geometic is already in place, an hour early. After a round in Solnik to get to know us, the trip goes back to Byala.
Then I drive the rental car to Obzor and Top Rent Car meeting point. I call up and out comes a representative with a shirt and tie. Trying to get help with where I can turn with the tire, but been met with LOUSY service.
So I drive with the emergency tire to Varna. Received an SMS from Roger who wondered if we could meet today. I call Roger and he asks me to send dimension on the tire. Roger knew about a guy in Varna and that he himself uses when he needs help to fix, change tires.
I meet Roger at a bus stop in Varna and we drive on to a side street a little north of the city. Here we come to a normal residential area, where there is a tire repairman down in a basement. Who would have thought that π
If you did not know about this place, you would never find it. The rim is ok and the tire was just punctured. The tire was sealed and balanced and put on the car.
The cover of the tire was stripped on and I asked for the price. 10 lev he says !!!! ????? I gave 20 lev. (approx. 100 kroner)
Then it was just to find Notarus to pick up the documents / contract for the apartment in Byala. Roger helped me find this place. He brought some smoked salmon, brown cheese and coffee. Hope he appreciated it.
After some fumbling with language with the ladies behind the counter, I finally got the documents. So then it was just a matter of finding the law office.
I managed to find it after a bit of searching. Was in his office approx. 15:30 and is notified that he is out on a errand and back 17:00. Writes back that I’m just sitting outside waiting. But at 16:15 he is in place again.
There will be a long session with discussion regarding Solnik, plot boundary and road. An agreement between us on handling Ecotechbio and Bulairfarming is agreed and signed. Here he will change the name and address of the companies, and make accounts for 2017 and beyond 2018 ….
Went to Byala again and dinner with our parents at a local restaurant in Byala. Is there about 20:00. Ordered pepper roast. Very good food and a year-round restaurant that can be good to know about. Evgueni showed me this restaurant a few days earlier.