House design 25 – Wooden house – ISPDD
We design high quality prefab houses with wooden and metal framing.
We design high quality prefab houses with wooden and metal framing.
Source: House design 25 – Wooden house – ISPDD
Can I buy a property in Bulgaria and are there any restrictions for foreigners?Generally speaking, foreigners as persons can acquire only buildings but not land. Since April 2014, foreign citizens are not allowed to buy plots of agricultural/forest land and vineyards. The Source: Property in Bulgaria frequently asked questions
Rich catalogue of ready-made home plans of modern, contemporary and traditional style houses of all sizes. Your dream house may already be designed by us! Source: House design 09 – ISPDD
How much does it cost to build a house? It depends on the human labor cost, quality of the materials and the location. On the internet you can find some surprising numbers starting from the ridicules €200 per m2 to the scary €1000-€1500 per m2. Source: How much does it cost to build a house?…
Choose the plan and layout of the house that you would like to build and we will make it for you. We guarantee low prices and good quality. Source: Build your home in Bulgaria, vacation homes in Bulgaria, second home in Bulgaria
Сухо строителство, ремонти, вътрешни и довършителни работи. Изграждаме “до ключ” всякакъв вид къщи: масивни, сглобяеми, мобилни, дървени, пасивни, модулни. Source: Дървени сглобяеми къщи | ГОТИКСТРОЙ
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