Byala 24/10-21

Today I started with going to the supermarket to baying some common foods, egg, bacon, butter, juice etc and of course ketchup. 🙂 It tasted very good with the bread that Jorunn sent with me. Also a glass of Norwegian strawberry jam. It’s not easy to find the type of jam written in Bulgaria. But jam will be homemade as soon as we get started.
Then I measured the size and dept of the swimming pool. I will use this as a guideline for the pool in Solnik. You can see from the picture that it’s not tempting jumping into the pool. Autumn has arrive also in Bulgaria, the weather change from 11 to 23 degrees, and down to 9 degrees during nigh hours.

Later today I will meet Vanja and family in Solnik. It will exciting to see what has been done since last time we was there. I will bring the “drone” and see if it’s possible to shoot it up to take pictures, if the weather allows it. To be continued….