Bulgaria Saturday 29/9-18
Arrived at Burgas 20:55 tonight, on schedule. Good Norwegian! It was just a matter of getting through the passport control, retrieving the luggage and ‘rushing’ to Top Rent Car to retrieve the car. This went reasonably quickly. Always a lot of fuss about insurance. But I have arranged extra insurance through the booking on Norwegian’s pages.

Rain and proper ‘Norwegian’ autumn weather in Bulgaria. Choose the ‘mountain road over’ Stara Planina ‘(Balkan mountain) to Varna Province, or’ Oblast Varna ‘as it is called here. Rain, dark asphalt and zero street lighting are tiring to drive in, especially when the night vision is not as it was in younger. Gets simply car sick on the trip over the mountain. But luckily I did not meet a single car on the trip over. Arrive at Byala about 30 minutes late at 23:45. My first night in my new apartment Fantastic! The time has now become 01:54 Bulgarian time. Good night!