Chaos at the toilet
Today we had a nice morning at the pool before all of us went to Solnik, where we had an appointment with those who run the poultry farm in Solnik.
We wanted to show the nice birds to our guests. Took a stop on the road to take pictures by the sunflower meadow. We had a great time there in the yard where we bought coffee, soda and water. It resulted in some toilet visits before returning. Riikka was unlucky when the door lock wouldn’t open again. There we were without an interpreter, but we manage to guide the owner to the place and the problem gradually became self-explanatory. The owner took a phone to call for some help, but the door was and remained locked. Luckily there was a small window on the toilet, and since Riikka is a slim lady, we got her out through the window. Roy and Roar lifted her out. What a vision. I just had to take some pictures of the session. Riikka took it all in a good mood and we were allowed to post a picture on the blog.
Afterwards we went Solnik Garden so that they could see how it looks. There they were harvesting the grain with large machines. There is activity in the area and it is good we think.
The evening was spent in a cozy restaurant, before strolling home and taking the night. You get sleepy after a long day in Bulgaria. Both the sea air and the early dark evenings have some significance.